My Natural Birth Story

The days leading up to the birth of Gia, I did not spend so much brain space thinking about impending labor. With my sophomore spring semester of college wrapping up, I busied myself with exams and final projects, which had deadlines that coincided with my baby’s due date. I figured I had done all I could to prepare for the arrival of my little girl, and focusing on school helped me from going crazy with impatience to see her.

Our hospital bags were (mostly) packed and by the door, and I had a list of the people I wanted to contact when labor started. All of baby’s clothes were washed and organized, and her bed was next to mine. Now we waited.

Thursday night, three days before my due date, I had some strong contractions as soon as my husband got home from work. As a first time mama, I still did not know for sure if this was it, or if it was just a more intense version of the Braxton Hicks I had been feeling in the weeks prior. Also, baby coming early was definitely not on my list of expectations. After about an hour, I realized I could actually time them, and they were indeed getting closer together. At one point, my husband asked me a question and I could not physically answer him because of how strong they were. These had to be more than “practice contractions.”

We went to bed, thinking it would still take me a long time to progress. I timed more contractions during the night, sleeping, and letting Tim sleep, until things got a little crazy and I shook him awake so he could press on my back. 8 minutes. 7 minutes. 6 minutes. By 5am on Friday, they were 5 minutes apart, and we called the hospital to see if we should come in. We got the ok, and bags were thrown in the car, moms were contacted and we were off. It was happening!

We arrived at the hospital and because of the pandemic, I had to go in myself, and only after being admitted would Tim be allowed inside. I waited patiently in a wheelchair to be brought upstairs, trying not to be annoyed at the check-in desk, where I was being asked a slew of questions I could barely answer through deep breaths.

I was three centimeters dilated, so we were told to stay. We got settled in, and were fortunate to be the only patients there that night. At this point, contractions were strong, but I was able to handle them lying on the bed. Soon after arriving, I requested to use the jetted tub they had available, which I swear is how I progressed so quickly. Soaking in the hot water, I held Tim’s hand and breathed through each contraction, which was almost painless. The nurse came in and said food was here and I had better eat while I still could.

The following hours went by quickly. I got out of the tub around 9:30am, and ate a quick breakfast of hospital omelets and bacon. That’s when I felt a shift. Things were about to get intense.

Contractions picked up, and I found that sitting on the birthing ball rocking my hips side to side while Tim pushed on my lower back was the most helpful. At this point, they HURT. I started feeling the urge to push around 11am, so they had to check me again. “Don’t push yet, just breathe through those.” Oh boy. THAT was hard. I was checked again by the nurse and was at 8cm. I was so encouraged at how fast everything was going, that even when the doctor came in and STRONGLY suggested I get an epidural to “avoid a long painful twelve hours” I was unfazed. I just knew I could make it to the end, if things kept going at the pace they were.

I continued breathing through contractions which at this point were intense waves crashing over me every 45 seconds, with no real break in between. Somewhere in there my water broke, and a huge gush spilled out onto the floor.”Ok. I need to push now!!.” I cried. I struggled back up into the bed, and had the go-ahead to push. This is what I was completely unprepared for. For labor, I had practiced breathing, and positions, but when it came to actually pushing the baby out I was slammed. This HURT. As instructed, I needed to do three big pushes for each contraction, with only a deep breath of break in between. I was in a haze for most of this part. I remember the nurse telling me I needed to push again, and just looking up at her, saying no I can’t do it again!!! “Yes you can” she replied soothingly. Another wave. Another big push. I felt her slip out, and all of a sudden she was squirming and crying on my chest. I did it I thought!

I laid on the bed holding my baby while the doctor stitched me up for an uncomfortably long time. I had an episiotomy and tearing, so it took a little while. Looking into my new baby’s blue eyes was a helpful distraction. She had already found her thumb and was sucking away at it. She was all mine. I could not believe it.

My birth went a lot smoother than I expected, to be honest. I had a lot of helpful advice before hand from friends on how to breathe through labor, and make the contractions work for me. As someone with a low pain tolerance, I felt so accomplished to be able to deliver naturally. My husband and nurses were the best team I could ask for, and made all the difference.

I am so glad I had a safe and smooth birth! My baby girl is finally here, and I can’t wait to get to know her.

Go read Anita’s birth story of her beautiful baby girl on!

3 thoughts on “My Natural Birth Story”

  1. Congratulations! I kept having false labor leading up to my c section. Even the NST read my contractions were every few minutes apart. Just not strong enough to get anything going and I wasn’t dilating at all! :’( So happy for you guys mama!!

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